
Articles, tips, resources & Recipes

Choc Protein Balls!

Choc Protein Balls!

A tasty & nutritious treat 🙂 Ingredients: 1/2 cup protein powder3/4 cup dessicated coconut2 tbsp hot water3 tbsp raw cocoa3 tbsp peanut butter (or other nut paste)1 tbsp raw honey5 tbsp almond milkExtra coconut for rolling Process all ingredients in food...

Hot Cocoa with Dates and Almond Milk

Hot Cocoa with Dates and Almond Milk

Here is a simple but delicious variation on your regular hot cocoa beverages. It is dairy free and the dates add enough sweetness that no extra sugar is required. Dates are also an excellent source of fibre and minerals. Cocoa has beneficial health properties and is...

About the Author

Kelli Kieselbach BHSc (NutDMed), Adv Dip (Nat), Adv Dip (WHM)

Kelli Kieselbach is an Adelaide based Naturopath and Clinical Nutritionist who works with clients of all ages to restore health and prevent disease using nutrition and herbal medicine. Kelli has a special interest in pain and fatigue management working closely with Fibromyalgia and Chronic fatigue syndrome patients to empower them to live life with more energy and less pain. Kelli sees patients one on one both in clinic and online as well as educating businesses and community groups on various health related topics through workshops and guest speaking roles.